Thursday, November 29, 2012

Where I Work: A Photo Essay

I've always liked the people I work with at any job I've ever had, and I've held positions at a restaurant, a warehouse, a business magazine, and an online small business advertisement firm, so there's been a good variety in my employment history. But, now at a creative ad agency, I spent 2012 working with people I like for people I like. This is a much different thing, as, up until this gig, I had never had head honchos that proved they were consistently making good decisions for the employees as well as the company. In turn, the culture here is, and always has been, kind of bonkers (especially when you compare it to the cubicle farms of America). So, once again, through the power of Instagram's web profiles, I've lifted pictures for you, this time to scope out our office and the goof-havery we have here.

Front yard.
Morning meeting.
Afternoon meeting.
 Soda explosion bar charts.
 Salad Wednesday.
 Beer Friday.
 Homemade shuffleboard.
 Ice cream.
 Ping pong.


Rex said...

Ok. You definitely work at the best place ever. Jesus, that is awesome.

Jake Kilroy said...

It's a pretty silly time.