Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"Gin And Green Tea"

"Gin And Green Tea"
written in the morning after an evening by jake kilroy.

My grandmother died tonight;
so pour me a gin and green tea-
"To the health of the gods,"
because they've got a fiery fight
comin' at them in the fullest of speed.

My grandmother died tonight;
so I want a gin and green tea-
"She was a root beer float,"
with classic eyes of black and white,
seeing the world as a cinema screen.

My grandmother died tonight;
so I'll have a gin and green tea-
"Twas the misery of years,"
bring the churning mouths of spite,
though we buried the hatchets like seeds.

My grandmother died tonight;
so let me have my gin and green tea-
"I've always missed her laugh,"
though only now and here is it right,
for the long day of longer dreams.

My grandmother died tonight;
so give me my gin and green tea-
"For the Irish and the Scottish,"
we'll laugh and drink all night,
and only talk of our wants and needs.

My grandmother died tonight;
so I'll down this gin and green tea-
"Everything came to age her,"
so now savor the funeral light,
a glow that keeps lovely and clean.


Celeste Hoang said...

I simply love this.

E said...

Sorry for your loss Jake..