Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Thought

I'm dangerously close to getting it together and figuring it all out.


Anonymous said...

How so? In what way?

Rax Beng said...

Are you starting to realize that we should be playing basketball 4 times a week, instead of 3?

Jake Kilroy said...

Non - I don't know, man. I just feel like I've hit a serious rhythm lately, as if I have more hours in the day. I'm goofing off more, but sleeping more. I'm busier, but feel more relaxed. I'm more organized than ever while playing more Nintendo games than I have in a long time. I'm drinking more, but also exercising more. My room's clean, my car's clean and bills are paid. I'm reading more, writing more and watching more movies. I just have time for...everything. I FEEL LIKE NEO AT THE END OF THE FIRST MATRIX.

R(eLa)x - Dude. Is it possible? Where can we fit it in?

Anonymous said...

Wonderful to hear. Why do you think that is? What's the impetus?

Jake Kilroy said...

Honestly, I think it all started once I got to work from home two days a week and was forced to become a morning person the other three days.